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Corrective Maintenance

Satisfied customers are our best recommendation! Here you will find a selection of our projects, which reflect the comprehensive range of services of MF Engineering.

Instandsetzung – Betonschalendach Rexroth

Reinforcement of an existing concrete shell roof structure of a factory building in Unterfranken, Germany

Auftraggeber: Ingenieurbüro Ruf/Bosch Rexroth AG
Leistung: Structural analysis of the existing and retrofitted structure incl. subsequent tendons acc. to DIN 1045
Instandsetzung – Sporthallenüberdachung

Corrective maintenance of roof of a gymnasium (approx. 30 x 44.5 m span)

Auftraggeber: Ingenieurbüro Ruf
Leistung: Structural calculation of the existing Mero spatial framework under several new load situations as well as structural evaluation of possible concepts for corrective maintenance
Instandsetzung – Trebersilo

Corrective maintenance of a spent grain storage silo in Ethiopia

Auftraggeber: GEA Brewery Systems GmbH
Leistung: Structural calculation of the support structure of the silo under wind and earthquake loading acc. to UBC 1997 and Eurocode 3 as well as related workshop drawings