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Nuclear Technology – Dismantling of Concrete Structures

Satisfied customers are our best recommendation! Here you will find a selection of our projects, which reflect the comprehensive range of services of MF Engineering.

Backfitting of openings without reinforcement in the containment of the reactor building

Auftraggeber: MAX STREICHER GmbH & Co. KG
Leistung: Evaluation of the quality class on basis of the fabrication tolerance as well as structural proof (shell buckling) of the containment spherical shell (diameter 48 m, R/t=960) acc. to DIN EN 1993

New development of handover platform and transport cart for the evacuation of concrete segments (20 t) from the reactor building

Auftraggeber: Uniper Anlagenservice GmbH
Leistung: Structural calculation and design of the steel structures incl. movable tilting table at the transport cart acc. to DIN EN 1993
Nukleartechnik – Rückbau KKW Stade

New development of a crane system (15 t) for the disassembly of concrete segments (20 t) in the reactor building

Auftraggeber: Uniper Anlagenservice GmbH
Leistung: Structural calculation and design incl. shell buckling of the containment spherical shell (diameter 48 m, R/t=960) with pole nozzle reinforcement and brackets for the circular railway acc. to DIN EN 1993 und VDI 2230
Nukleartechnik – Rückbau KKW Stade

Disassembly of supporting concrete parts of the reactor pool

Auftraggeber: E.ON Anlagenservice
Leistung: Structural calculation of disassembly situations of weakened concrete walls and columns as well as temporary support structures made of steel for the disassembling

New development of support structures for the assembly of a new reactor building crane

Auftraggeber: Uniper Anlagenservice GmbH
Leistung: Structural calculation and design of load attachment points at the containment spherical shell (15 t lifting load) and rails on the former crane bridge girder acc. to DIN EN 1993 and VDI 2230, application of “fluid” metal MM1018FL